If writing is your passion and you long to sit poised in front of a picture window with pen and paper planning to write the next best seller, that’s not going to happen unless you have a plan in place to market your product. Social media must become your friend.
A few days ago I was inspired by new information I learned from Ian Huckabee, a writer who specializes in social media learning and training. He was the presenter for a workshop at The Farm at Weathers Creek in Cleveland, NC. Ian introduced me to hootsuite.com. I was totally amazed that one site could manage five other sites all on the same page. How cool is that? If you would like to check out Ian Huckabee’s website to learn more, it’s www.weejeemedia.com. If you would like to check out the Farm at Weatherscreek for future writer workshops, you can find them at www.Weatherscreek.net.