The last couple of weeks my theme for my blog has been my favorite things. I’m going to keep that theme because I found another new favorite thing today.
I don’t like yogurt, but I’m always hopeful the new brand or flavor that I bring home from the grocery store will be the one that changes my mind. I know the benefits of yogurt and so that’s why I’m always hopeful. I have to admit, though, I just about had given up….until today.
A new yogurt shop came into town and because they were offering a percentage of earnings back to a local high school band, I thought what’s the harm, I’ll try it.
A young lady behind the counter cheerily came up to me and asked if I needed help. Being my first experience at Sweet Frog, I said, “Yes, I need help.” She then showed me the different flavors and explained how everything was self-serve.
I decided on the mango/raspberry combination and covered it with kiwi, blueberries and a few blackberries. After paying, I sat down to give it a try. Man was I in for a shock. That was the best “thing” I’ve tasted in FOREVER! It was totally DELICIOUS! I can say for sure I WILL be back and I can’t WAIT.
By the way, this past week I took a photography class and our assignment was to take a picture of a stranger. The young lady who waited on me readily agreed to be my stranger. Her name is Bailie. Thanks Bailie for being a good sport and thanks Sweet Frog for being my new favorite thing. YUM!!
Following is the link to photographer Roger May’s blog. He was also the presenter for the workshop at the Farm at Weatherscreek. Check out his photos. They are awesome.