Workshop on Social Media

If writing is your passion and you long to sit poised in front of a picture window with pen and paper planning to write the next best seller, that’s not going to happen unless you have a plan in place to market your product.  Social media must become your friend. 

A few days ago I was inspired by new information I learned from Ian Huckabee, a writer who specializes in social media learning and training. He was the presenter for a workshop at The Farm at Weathers Creek in Cleveland, NC.  Ian introduced me to I was totally amazed that one site could manage five other sites all on the same page. How cool is that? If you would like to check out Ian Huckabee’s website to learn more, it’s If you would like to check out the Farm at Weatherscreek for future writer workshops, you can find them at


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Reading at Bostian Elementary School

I was asked by the AIG teacher at Bostian Elementary School to be the speaker for the Author Extravaganza on December 19. It was an exciting day and the energy level was high, not only for me, but the student presenters as well. The students had researched various authors and did projects relating to the one they chose. These projects were displayed in the library.

The presentation was at 10:15 with about 40 parents in attendance along with fifth grade classes. The AIG students presented a skit about literacy which was not only informative, but funny. The skit included points such as writing about something you know and organizing your thoughts.

 I shared my children’s books, Tired of My Bath and Tired of School, explaining this series came about because as a teacher I often heard children complain about being tired of something. I explained my new book, Tired of Being Different, should be out in early 2012. This book has new characters as well as a more complex storyline,which in the end reveals being different is okay.

The students, teachers, and parents at Bostian Elementary School were a wonderful audience. Thank you Ms Rymer for inviting me. You have an awesome program.

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Reading, Writing, and Workshops

       I broke my shoulder November 4th and I must say there has been quite a lot of pain from that break. However,  from this experience I’ve learned a lot about myself and just how strong I really am.  I’ve learned that I can endure and work through the pain to get better, and I’ve also learned just how wonderfully made we really are. When the accident happened I was concerned about playing the piano again and being able to type. The doctor assured me those abilities would come back and he was right.

      Here it is five weeks later and I am typing with both hands and playing the piano. Yeah! Also,  I’m excited to say I felt well enough to share my children’s books, Tired of School and Tired of My Bath at a Title I teacher’s meeting recently. I had an awesome time and learned new techniques from the teacher’s who shared their ideas about teaching reading.

      One idea I especially liked was to give each child in a small group of five or six their own box of craft beads. The beads are the kind that have letters on them. The teacher calls out a letter and the first child to find that letter gets a point. This would be appropriate for kindergarten. For a little older child, maybe call out simple words and the child who finds all letters in the word gets a point. Decide beforehand how many points wins the game.

     The teacher who shared this idea said what is really neat is the children who need tactile stimulation especially enjoy playing this game because they get to feel the beads in- between playing the game.

     It was indeed a great day of sharing and fellowship.

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October’s More than Just Halloween

October has been a busy month with fall festivals, reunions, and reading to children at local schools. The month started with a book signing for my newest book, Tired of School, at Literary Bookpost in Salisbury and ended with rekindling old friendships at the North Rowan High School reunion.

Everyday seems to bring a new surprise. The high school reunion was especially sweet because everyone was ready to have a good time. I especially liked the fact that I won a door prize. I was the lucky winner of a Betty Sedberry print. Betty Sedberry is a local artist  known for her ability to capture many the local landmarks through her art. My print was that of a local hangout from high school days called Zestos. Looking at the details of the print, it was almost like forty years had disappeared and I was a teenager again ordering a large fry and coke.

Thanks to everyone who bought a book or two at the reunion. Many told me of plans to share the books, Tired of My Bath and Tired of School, with their grandchildren. I hope everyone has a lot of quiet times to share and enjoy reading these books. If you get a chance to post any comments from your grandchildren that would be awesome.


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Fall Festival

A fun time was had by all at Hanford Dole’s Fall Festival. The children enjoyed playing games, winning prizes and especially liked getting their face painted. My station was one where the children could stop and listen to a story and win a prize for guessing the right number of candy corn in the jar. I was amazed at how many underguessed.
Many parents stopped to talk about how they enjoyed reading to their children and especially enjoyed reading my books Tired of School and Tired of My Bath. Children’s ears easily hear the repeating sounds of the rhyming words, which help when children are practicing fluency.
The relaxed atmosphere of a fall festival is a great place to interact with parents about important matters such as literacy. Next time you have a fall festival maybe you should try it.

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Reading at Kootnz Elementary School

I had the opportunity to read at Kootnz Elementary School on Wednesday Oct. 5th. It was a warm afternoon around 1:00 when I got to the school. Little did I know what a warm greeting I would receive inside the building.

After checking in at the office I was greeted by the librarian, Ms Tucker. This is Mrs. Tucker’s first year at Kootnz and already the principal, Mr. Dunlap,  told me she is making sure students are exposed to many new and different activities. Ms Tucker had asked me to come and read my first book, Tired of My Bath, to the kindergarten through second grade students.

After getting my materials ready, I had a few minutes to talk to Ms Tucker.  She told me she had prepared the students for my visit by doing research on the internet. I was quite impressed because no on had ever told me that before.  She said the classes had actually gone to my website,, and they also googled my name. I was interested in what they found because I wanted to learn more about me too.

When it was time to start the presentations, the children came into the media center quiet and orderly. There were two presentations, with each one lasting about thirty minutes. I began by reading Tired of My Bath and shared that I had set the words in the story to a little melody. I briefly shared the story line from my latest book, Tired of School, and called attention to the fact that more characters had been added with Louie, the dog, finding a friend.  At the end of each presentation the children had questions with one child wanting to know how long I had been writing. I told him I started writing poetry at the death of my dad five years ago.  After a few years of writing just poetry, I decided to try short stories, which eventually led into writing human interest stories for a local newspaper, the Salisbury Post. The day at Kootnz ended on a good note with several children winning a free autographed book.

Thanks to the students and teachers for asking me to read and especially to Ms Tucker, the librarian, for preparing the children. I know there must have been a young author listening in the media center on October 5th and someday he or she will be reading to another young author. How exciting is that?

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New Blog Up and Running

It’s exciting to finally have a blog on my website. I’ve had my website, for a few months but it has taken me this long to actually get a blog set up.  I have another blog at I want to say thanks to everyone who has been following me there. Also thanks to Amanda Nickerson and her class for reading my books, Tired of My Bath and Tired of School. Amanda is a teacher from Ohio and wrote a blog about my books on Wednesday October 5th. Her students read the books for their independent reading and also spotlighted them in their classroom for the day. Amanda even took pictures of them in the spotlight corner. If you would like to read Amanda’s blog you can find her at

My plans now are to blog at least once a week.

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