Writing-Music Connection: Mentoring

Katrena Playing the Piano
This is the third post of a four-part guest blog by Katrena Allison. Her theme for these blogs has been the music-writing connection. Katrena is a talented musician and writer,  submitting articles for publication in magazines and updating her blogs regularly.This week she’s highlighting the value of a mentor. Katrena and I have reversed roles, as I was her piano teacher when she was growing up, and now that I’m a writer, she’s my mentor. Pretty cool, wouldn’t you say?  
Mentoring Can Be Invaluable for Musicians and Writers
 A great mentor will balance the good with the bad. The best critics will identify your strengths and weaknesses and let you decide what you want to improve. If Dicy had simply given me a pat on the back every time I played a piece on the piano, I would have stagnated. Instead, she pointed out when I missed a note or rhythm. She would play the part for me, with me, and encourage my efforts to get better.
 I remember one recital in which I had practiced for hours and hours and hours. I knew the 9-page song by heart. I could have played it in my sleep and probably could have played it with my feet. When the big day arrived, I walked up there with shaking hands, ready to play. And I played, but my fingers were on the wrong keys. I kept playing. It sounded terrible for a page or two until I finally positioned correctly. As I came back to my seat, I knew I had blown it, but Dicy smiled and made a point of saying how proud she was that I kept going. I didn’t freeze or quit. She also mentioned that when I began playing for a church that it was important to keep playing while everyone was singing, and I did. 
Writing mentors may become cheerleaders but also encourage us to move to the next level. They might find something that works well while encouraging us to do other things differently. An editor that takes the time to give detailed feedback, however painful it might seem at the time, is often doing so because he or she believes that the writer has potential. You might want to throw darts at the screen, but after a few deep breaths and some extra scans of the information, you might find jewels within the bucket that seemed like all sand and mud initially. The editor is preparing one to write for others just as a music instructor is trying to develop skills that others can truly enjoy and appreciate. 
As a mentor, it’s important to keep in mind not only technical aspects of the craft, but emotional ones as well. As you can see through Katrena’s experience learning to play the piano, it was important that I was not only her music teacher, but also an encourager. Now that our roles have reversed, I’ve learned skills from Katrena’s expertise and gained confidence from her encouraging words. Katrena’s fourth post on the writing-music connection will be Thursday, June 28. In that post, she will address the work involved in publishing an article or story. 
Click on these links to check out Katrena’s blogs: 


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Writing and Music Take Discipline

Katrena Playing the Piano

Katrena Playing the Piano

This is the second post in a four-part series by friend and past piano student, Katrena Allison. Katrena, a lover of music is also a talented writer, keeping current with trends by regularly updating her blogs and submitting new material to various magazines and internet sites. Today’s blog takes a closer look at the discipline necessary to be a writer and musician.

Writing and Music Take Discipline 

Even accomplished musicians need to practice. I remember dreading playing scales, but Dicy would patiently explain to me that these were the building blocks of future endeavors. I wanted to play the elaborate songs that I heard my brother play, but I had to begin with simple tunes that my fingers could handle. I had to listen and learn from those more accomplished that I. And I had to patiently practice. And practice. And practice 

Writing also takes patience and practice. I tried to find articles and web sites to which I was drawn and decide what worked well. And I had to find a niche. I started with writing online reviews then moved to writing for an online magazine, and finally started several blogs. My early efforts resembled those simple tunes of the primary songbooks. Perhaps they showed potential, but I was not initially ready to build my own site. I had to study the rules and work within those boundaries, making sure to read the contract before signing. The early experiences taught me much about how to write for an online audience and how to slant the same topic toward several different audiences to give my research more mileage.

I also learned how to be more organized. I write my articles as a Word document and save them on my hard drive – the last thing you want is to discover that hours of work have disappeared! I copy and paste links to the sites that I use for research at the bottom of my saved pieces. I also learned to carefully organize photos that I take, creating separate folders for each season of the year and then separating the shots into their unique experiences or place photos into general folders for flowers, sky shots, exercise, etc. Hunting and pecking for links and photos or re-writing entire articles can burn a lot of precious time.

Katrena’s third guest-blog will be published Thursday, June 21 with the following topic: Mentoring Can Be Invaluable for Writers and Musicians

Check out Katrena’s blogs at the following links:

 Travel NC With Kids

Wildflower Bouquets



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Music and Writing Connection


Katrena Playing the Piano
Katrena Playing the Piano

My guest blogger is not only a friend, but also a past piano student. Katrena Allison is a writer who enjoys touching children’s lives in a way that brings fun and enjoyment. This is a four part blog with the first post explaining how writing and playing the piano are similar. 

Writing is Like Playing the Piano

When Dicy McCullough first asked me if I would consider writing a guest post for her blog, I didn’t hesitate to say yes. After all, I have known Dicy since I was a child, sitting on a piano bench with her at my side as she taught me everything I know about expressing myself on ebony and ivory, but what could I possibly write for her writing blog? Finally the idea emerged that perhaps writing and playing the piano are actually quite similar.

 Express Yourself With Either Type of Keyboard

Just as a pianist might express herself with the notes of a song, so also a writer may pour out one’s heart and soul through the letters of a keyboard and mouse. There have been many times that I have sat in front of the piano keys, playing music that touches my soul. Even though tears dropped onto the keys as I played for loved ones’ funerals, the music seemed to come and perhaps touch the hearts of those around me.

Journaling is something that I started in early childhood. One can feel a sense of release after letting one’s thoughts emerge in black and white. Many times this type of writing may never be shared with the world, but this experience may lead to a written work of art that may inspire others. Those who have found a way to re-sew the pieces that have become the patchwork of life may find a beautiful and inspiring new quilt pattern through the written word.

 I have found that I have been able to mesh together many ideas, such as creating fun games designed to help my kids learn concepts for school that will eventually become part of an educational blog. Creativity can keep it exciting.

 I enjoyed having Katrena as a piano student and now it’s my pleasure to have her as a guest blogger. Check out her blogs for creative ideas on trips and activities for children at the following links: 

http://travelncwithkids.blogspot.com/                                                                                                                                                                                                              http://www.wildflowerbouquets.blogspot.com         http://studentsurvive2thrive.blogspot.com/                                                 

Katrena’s second blog,Writing and Music Take Discipline, will be published June 14.



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Beautiful Blogger Award.

Blog Award - Beautiful Blogger Award


Thanks to Sandra McLeod Humphrey for nominating me for the Beautiful Blogger award. Sandra writes an inspirational blog each week filled with stories of courage and endurance. She knows first-hand what it means to be courageous because she’s a cancer survivor. I hope you’ll check her blog out soon. You’ll be glad you did.    http://www.kidscandoit.com.

Rules of the award

1.Thank the one who bestowed the award                                                                          2.Paste the award on your blog.                                                                                      3.Link the person who nominated you for the award                                                     4.Nominate 7-15 other bloggers                                                                                          5.Post links of the other bloggers nominated                                                                       6.List seven random things about yourself 

7 Random Things About Me

1. My favorite foods are popcorn, pepsi, potato chips, and pickles                                        2. I have two daughters and a grandson                                                                                3. I’m a retired music/kindergarten teacher                                                                           4. I’m an only child                                                                                                                  5. I have a dog, Bandit, and a cat, Panda                                                                                 6. My favorite place is Myrtle Beach, SC                                                                               7. I live in Piedmont, North Carolina

Check out the following bloggers:                              http://www.wildflowerbouquets.blogspot.com                                 http://melissaiveystaehli.blogspot.com                              http://www.aileenwstewart.blogspot.com                                        http://hopeclark.blogspot.com                                                              www.coachpegnow.com                                                             http://barbequemaster.blogspot.com                         http://www.awakenings2012.blogspot.com                                       http://www.youthmuse.com                                                  http://www.mamaluvsbooks.com                                     http://morgenbailey.wordpress.com                                 http://www.deirdretolhurst.blogspot.com                       http://www.jennymilchman.com/blog                                      http://taralazar.wordpress.com                                                                       http://ninaamir.com/                                                                      www.viewfromthehudson.com


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New Stories from Old



A photo from long ago: Mom, Dad, Friends and Me

As I travel to different schools, I explain to children that ideas for my stories have been based on real events in my life. Being a teacher for thirty years, it wasn’t unusual for me to hear children talking about being tired of something. The idea for my children’s books, Tired of My Bath, Tired of School and Tired of Being Different developed from those conversations.

Ideas for stories can come not only from events, but also from photographs. Recently, a friend of mine sent me a photograph of when I was a little girl. In it was my mom, dad, a friend and her son. I had never seen that picture before and could only image why it was taken and where. Because of not knowing any of the details, the sky’s the limit in writing my story. I’m only limited by imagination.

Do you have a photo of your family in which you don’t know details, like who’s in the picture or where it was taken? If so, it’s time to get out pencil and paper and start writing. You never know where your imagination will take you. I’d love to hear your stories.

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A Fun Day at the Daniel Boone Family Festival

Fun at Daniel Boone Festival

It was a fun day for everyone at the Daniel Boone Family Festival with vendors, music, historical tours and activities. The Daniel Boone festival is held the first Saturday in May in Mocksville, NC. Mocksville is in Davie County and home to many historical sites, such as the graveyard of Daniel Boone’s parents. Tours that were offered throughout the day included the gravesite as one of the stops.

As a vendor, I had the pleasure of sharing my children’s books Tired of My Bath, Tired of School and Tired of Being Different with not only children, but adults alike. I even had the pleasure of meeting US Congresswoman, Virginia Foxx, when she stopped to visit.  A friend of mine, Katrena Allison happened by at the same time with her three daughters and also met Congresswoman, Virginia Foxx.  After chatting for a while, Katrena took pictures of the occasion. I must say that was the highlight of my day.

Katrena writes a travel blog about activities and places to visit in NC that are not only entertaining, but also educational. If you are interested in checking out Katrena’s blog, you can find her at http://travelncwithkids.blogspot.com.



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Reading at China Grove Elementary School

The media specialist at China Grove Elementary School, Ms Litke, invited me to speak to  the kindergarten through fifth grade students on April 25th for National Poetry Month. The presentations took place in the media center where I shared with the students tools I’ve learned in writing poetry. I explained how the five senses can be used in writing to develop the subject or setting. This style is called showing, not telling.

Talking to students


In addition to poetry, I had the opportunity to talk about character development using my three books, Tired of My Bath, Tired of School, and Tired of Being Different as examples. Starting with a simple idea and only three characters in my first book, Tired of My Bath, more characters were added each time to make the storyline more complex. Students were quick to offer titles for the next book, but the one suggestion I heard most often was Tired of My Homework. Teachers laughed at that one.

I enjoyed my day at China Grove and hope when it comes to writing, students will remember these words: Practice! Practice! Practice!

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Miss Molly is a Celebrity Now

Miss Molly and Me

It’s amazing how just a simple visit to a friend’s house can turn into something more. I was working on a story about a friend of mine who is a music teacher and all of a sudden her dog decides she wants to sit in my lap. According to my friend, that is an unusual occurence so she took a picture. The odd thing about this is the dog looks similar to the dog in my second and third books, Tired of School and Tired of Being Different. It just so happens the name of the dog in my books is Molly and the name of my friend’s dog is Miss Molly. Because she’s so cute I couldn’t help but share with you the photo. I hope you enjoy it, and if you have a minute check Miss Molly out on my author page as well as the following website. You’ll find me listed under the children’s authors.


Thanks and have a good day. Oh by the way, don’t forget to spend time reading today. It’s one of the best things you can do for your future.

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Family Night and Career Day

I enjoyed meeting not only students, but parents as well at two recent events. Those two events were Family Night at Cleveland Elementary School and Career Day at Woodleaf Elementary School.  What made these events special for me is that I taught at both of these schools.

For Family Night at Cleveland, the PTA sponsored an all you can eat pizza supper. After about forty-five minutes of eating and socializing, everyone went into the auditorium where I read and shared my books, Tired of My Bath, Tired of School, and Tired of Being Different. The auditorium had been my classroom for about fifteen years at Cleveland because I taught music there, so I had quite a few memories whirling around in my head. The questions and comments afterwards were great with one second grade student giving me an idea for my next book.

Career Day at Woodleaf also gave me a chance to read and share my books to more K-5th grade students. Hopefully, some were inspired to write and perhaps even become an author someday. I enjoyed meeting other professionals at Career Day, including a musician, lawyer, fireman, and electrician. The last event for the day was a helicopter landing on the ballfield for all to inspect.

I’m glad I could be a part of these two events and appreciate the hard work and effort that it took to organize and plan for them. Thank you for inviting me. 



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Youthmuse Book Review

As a new author I have discovered how important it is to get book reviews. The dilemna is finding individuals who are willing to read and then post a book review on their blog or website.  I was lucky enough to find such an individual and her name is Dana Jackson. She teaches elementary school in Oregon. Dana’s website is Youthmuse and she was kind enough to post on her website a review for my first two books, “Tired of My Bath” and “Tired of School.”

It was great to pull up Youthmuse and see my two books starring back at me. Dana gave them a thumbs-up and said they were fun to read and emotionally spot-on. Youthmuse was Dana’s vision for a website that would be an outlet for exceptional books, games, and sometimes real life experiences, which in turn would become a source of inspiration for children.

I’m glad I found this website and hope you will check it out as well.


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