It’s amazing how just a simple visit to a friend’s house can turn into something more. I was working on a story about a friend of mine who is a music teacher and all of a sudden her dog decides she wants to sit in my lap. According to my friend, that is an unusual occurence so she took a picture. The odd thing about this is the dog looks similar to the dog in my second and third books, Tired of School and Tired of Being Different. It just so happens the name of the dog in my books is Molly and the name of my friend’s dog is Miss Molly. Because she’s so cute I couldn’t help but share with you the photo. I hope you enjoy it, and if you have a minute check Miss Molly out on my author page as well as the following website. You’ll find me listed under the children’s authors.
Thanks and have a good day. Oh by the way, don’t forget to spend time reading today. It’s one of the best things you can do for your future.

Nice Pic dicy!
I’m glad you liked the photo. Thank you for stopping by.
Thanks Megan for liking the blog.
Thanks Michelle for letting me pose with Miss Molly.