A couple of weeks ago, I wrote about my new favorite thing, Pinterest. Today I’m writing about something I made from a discovery on Pinterest. I love crafts and I love recycling, so making a basket from strips of newspaper seemed like a winner.
The idea is to cut newspaper strips and weave them in and out. The size of the basket is determined by the length of the strips. Mine turned out OK, but not perfect because one corner was more rounded than the other three.
I found the instructions for the project on the website http://www.craftstylish.com. Jeffrey Rudell, the contributor of the idea, said he remembered as a little boy his mother using newspapers for various projects, such as cleaning windows. With newspapers stacking up in his office, he thought it was time for him to do something. That something turned into a beautiful, unique basket.
He put finishing touches on his basket by adding a ribbon around the top edge. I took that idea a step further by gluing strips together to make a handle and then stapling them to the sides to give even more texture and durability.
Corresponding with Jeffrey through email, I told him I planned to write about his idea. He thanked me and was appreciative that I let him know. More information and details for making Jeffrey Rudell’s basket out of newspaper can be found at the following link:
Do you have any tips for recycling newspapers? If so, I’d like to hear from you. In order to leave a comment, choose a user name and password. If you still can’t leave a comment, then message me on facebook.