One of my favorite things to do is feed the birds. This photo was taken in my front yard and if you look closely, you’ll see a bird feeder, but no birds. My husband said, “Where are the birds?” I told him, they flew away when I opened the front door.
I often sit in my living room in the mornings, looking out the window as the birds fly back and forth between the bird feeder and the big oak tree. If a truck comes down the road or a train goes by, the birds fly to the safety of the tree.
My mom also enjoys feeding the birds at her house, but in the last few years it’s been difficult for her to go outside. She’s 92 and afraid of falling. I told her I’d be glad to fill the feeder each week for her, but she said, “No.” It made me sad when she told me to take it down.
Even though she doesn’t have a bird feeder, she figured out a way to still feed the birds. She stands at her back door and throw bits of food like crackers or bread to them.
The older I get the more like Mom I become, enjoying the simple things of life like friends and family and feeding the birds.
I’d like to know what simple pleasures of life you enjoy, so leave a comment.
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I love this post, Dicy. Yep, I am a bird lover, in fact, both my husband and I spend time on the back porch watching and listening to the birds as we enjoy morning coffee. He has started building bird houses beginning with one for the blue birds. We have what I call a Martin Motel and it is so funny to see those little fellows going in and out the small holes of the gourds.
Thanks, Sharla. I like the idea of a Martin Motel. I have a few gourds I need to hang as well.