Making a Difference
In honor of Veterans Day, last week I shared about a friend of mine (Bob Terry) who after twenty years in the military became a fifth grade teacher. Last week’s blog centered around his Navy career. This week’s blog centers around his teaching career.
Believing the Navy helped prepare him to be an educator, Bob said it not only taught him to have high expectations, but it also provided him with unique experiences he later brought into the classroom. It must be true because at the end of this year, Bob will have been teaching fifth grade in the same room for twenty years.
One of the overriding themes I always heard from Bob was how much he wanted to make a difference as a teacher. Having that theme in mind, I mentioned it to one of his parents a few weeks ago. With a smile on her face, she said, “He’s already made a difference in my daughter’s life. She now loves school and can’t wait to get out of bed in the mornings. This is a major turn around in our house.”
Thinking about what she said, I wondered how Mr. Terry had made a difference in other students’ lives. Writing down their thoughts, some said he had taught them how to multiply using double digit, while others said they now liked school because he was fair and made class interesting.
A student from ten years ago expressed her thoughts and feelings in a letter to Mr. Terry. Used with permission, here’s part of that letter. “In your classroom, learning was fun. We understood fractions and percentages through word problems involving our classmates. By raising and caring for lizards, we discovered new things about science and nature. We raced against the clock and each other, improving our math and writing skills. You entertained us constantly with your military stories and songs. There was always something new and exciting going on.” In conclusion, the student thanked Mr. Terry for the difference he made in her life.
During this Thanksgiving season, we all should be grateful for teachers like Mr. Terry who are making a difference. With teachers not receiving a meaningful raise in NC in five years, perhaps the NC Legislature can translate that gratitude into a little more money in teachers’ paychecks next year. After all, “Teachers touch the future.” If you don’t believe me, just ask Mr. Terry’s students.
To read more about Mr. Terry and how he is making a difference, check out the Salisbury Post link here.
Do you know a teacher who is making a difference? If so leave a comment, message on Facebook, or email