Blowing Rock Conference Center, Mt Bethel Church, Meadowbrook Inn
When my daughter began making wedding plans earlier this year, she shared her vision for a dream wedding in the mountains of NC. Not long after that she found information on-line about a little chapel in Blowing Rock, NC.
The Blowing Rock Conference Center rents the Mt Bethel Chapel for weddings, so after making the necessary contacts, we headed out one rainy day to check out the facility on Gorforth Rd. Once we arrived at the conference center, we talked to a wonderful lady named Martha who graciously helped with scheduling and other details. In the process, she explained there had been many weddings at the chapel through the years and being the oldest building in Blowing Rock, it is historic. (That probably explains why there’s no bathroom).
Setting the date and time, the next step for us was to find a place for the reception. Driving around on that rainy day, we felt fortunate to find the Meadowbrook Inn in downtown Blowing Rock. The room my daughter chose for the reception was the perfect size for about fifty guests with a view overlooking a patio of flowers and a babbling brook.
The much anticipated wedding day finally arrived on August 31st. Even though it was raining cats and dogs two hours before the ceremony, everyone still hoped the sun would shine. I’m happy to say no one was disappointed.
The rain stopped long enough for the guests, the mothers, the officiate, (Rev. Tim Lolley) the groom and the bridal party to enter the church. Then, as the bride stepped through the doorway, raindrops could be heard on the tin roof. What a pleasant surprise when it rained only enough to freshen the air, giving the feel of a cool mountain afternoon. Taking a cue from Rev. Lolley, the bride then made her way down the aisle on the arm of her dad toward her groom.
What a glorious day for a wedding!
Congratulations, Mt Bethel Church, Blowing Rock Conference Center and Meadowbrook Inn! Because of your hospitality and willingness to go the extra mile for a bride, her family, guests and wedding party you are my favorite destinations this week. To learn more about these Blowing Rock destinations, check out the following websites:
If you know of a special place for a wedding or reception, leave a comment, message on Facebook or email