National Grandparent’s Day
As a kindergarten teacher, I always planned for that special day in September called National Grandparent’s Day. Included in the planning would be some kind of little program for the children to perform and a handmade gift for them to make. The schedule would also include lunch, with grandparents afterwards saying good-bye, leaving the children with memories of a special time together.
Even though I celebrated National Grandparent’s Day for many years as a teacher, it wasn’t until recently that I learned the history behind that day. Researching on line, I discovered the founder was Ms. Marian McQuade. Having a dream that a national day would be set aside to encourage people to visit the elderly in the nursing homes, she saw that dream become reality in 1978. That was the year President Jimmy Carter proclaimed National Grandparent’s Day to be the first Sunday after Labor Day.
No matter what date it falls on, it’s a wonderful tribute to a generation that has much knowledge and wisdom to share. As a teacher and now as a grandparent myself, it’s encouraging to see the love and happiness that are exchanged on both sides of the generation gap.
Sometimes I think the generation gap isn’t as wide between grandparent and grandchild as between parent and child. A grandparent has the pleasure of enjoying grandchildren without the responsibility of a parent. Now that I’m a grandparent, I have to say that definitely has its advantages. My husband would agree. As you can see in the photo, he is loving every minute with his two grandsons. If you look closely, you can see a train track he made especially for them because one of their favorite activities at “Pawpaw Mike’s house” is playing “choo choo.” I’ve always wondered if their love of trains was influenced by the fact we live beside a railroad track.
If you would like to learn more about National Grandparent’s Day or Ms. Marian McQuade, check out the following website, which is where I found my information.
Are there special activities you enjoy with your grandchild on National Grandparent’s Day? Did your local school have an event this year? Leave a comment, message on Facebook, or email