Missionary in Tahoe City
Tara Safrit, as you can see in the photo to the right, is the kind of person who lights up a room, making everyone a little happier having spent time with her. Only 23, she already knows what it means to sacrifice comfort and security to help others.
During the last few years, Tara has often volunteered to work with children in a Christian environment as a preschool teacher. Last summer that volunteer work led to the position of counselor at Camp Mundo Vista in Asheboro, NC. Recognized as one of the outstanding leaders, she received an invitation last fall to work as a missionary at a preschool in Tahoe City, California.
The First Baptist Church in Tahoe City recruits missionaries each year as an outreach program for the preschool children in their daycare. When Tara was approached about the opportunity to leave the comfort of her home and travel over 2000 miles to teach preschool, she was a little apprehensive. The more she thought about it, however, she knew the timing was right.
With only one month to prepare, the following weeks were spent in a whirlwind of signing papers, getting an airplane ticket and packing for five months away from home. Tara said everything happened so quickly, she felt like she was in a dream. When she landed in a totally new environment in California and had to spend the first night alone, she knew it wasn’t a dream, but real.
Returning home five months later, Tara was asked what she had learned from her experience, to which she replied, “I learned to be more independent, knowing if I’m faced with a challenge, I’m going to be okay. I definitely would do it again.”
Congratulations, Tara! For your willingness to serve others, no matter the distance, you are my favorite person of the week.
Would you be willing to take a leap of faith, traveling across the country to be a missionary like Tara? If interested in more of her story, check out the following link:
Do you know someone who has given up the comforts of home to serve others? If so, leave a comment, message on Facebook, or email dicysm@yahoo.com.