Lydia Richmond: Host of #Bullynomore
It’s nice to have friends who not only have a blog, but also know how to tweet and are willing to host a twitter party in your honor. My friend, Lydia Richmond, writes the blog, Cluttered Genius, which is a fun, informative blog of interest to women.
When my fourth book, Tired of Being a Bully was released on and Barnes and Noble, Lydia approached me about hosting a twitter party using the book as a catalyst for the topic of bullying. I was thrilled because the purpose of writing this book was to open up discussions in a way that is non-threatening to children. The bully and the victim in the book are two neighborhood dogs, with one continually taking the other one’s bones. In the end, they settle their differences and become friends.
Since Lydia believed Tired of Being a Bully was a great way to approach the subject of bullying, she had the idea of inviting other bloggers and experts to join a discussion on twitter. One of the experts invited was Dr. Deborah Gilboa, known for her expertise on children’s issues. The party was scheduled for Tuesday, April 2nd at 9:30p.m.
As host of the party, Lydia presented 11 questions for discussion. With the flow of conversation steady and a number of different solutions offered to help children with this issue, the event trended. Here’s the link for #bullynomore:
If interested in learning more about this party, or Lydia’s blog, Cluttered Genuis, check out the following link:
Congratulations, Lydia! Because of your willingness to approach hot topics and stay in the main stream of those discussions, you are my choice for favorite blogger of the week.