Jeff Gordon Children’s Hospital, CMC-Northeast
Although grandparents know grandchildren are a gift from God, it seems even more so when a grandchild has a life-threatening illness or disease. My family experienced that frightening event several weeks ago, when my newborn grandson was admitted to the hospital for what was thought to be jaundice, but turned out to be so much more.
Without the wisdom and expertise of the doctors and nurses at Jeff Gordon Children’s Hospital, CMC-Northeast in Concord, NC, my grandchild probably wouldn’t have made it. After much testing, it was determined he has a rare genetic disorder called galactosemia. Basically, this disorder is the body’s inability to break down the sugar galactose, found not only in milk, but others foods as well. This is so rare only about 1 in 60,000 children are born with it.
There’s no question being in the right place, at the right time, with the right doctors saved my grandson’s life. Special thanks goes to not only Dr. McCauley for making the diagnosis, but to all the pediatric nurses who cared for him. Thanks also goes to the wonderful support staff concerned not only for my grandson’s welfare, but family members too.
Although it took the wisdom and expertise of the doctors and nurses to discover the problem, we knew people from all walks of life were praying. Those prayers lifted us up in days that seemed very dark. Today my grandchild is home safe, happy and flourishing as a result of everyone’s efforts.
Even with a controlled diet, however, there can be effects that do not appear until years later, so please continue to keep my grandson in your prayers.
Congratulations Jeff Gordon Children’s Hospital, CMC- Northeast/Pediatric Unit! Because of the dedication of your doctors, nurses and staff, you are my favorite place of the week.
What experience(s) have you had in a pediatric hospital? Leave a comment, message on Facebook or email

Dicy, been thinking about you and your family…so glad to hear the good news. Will continue lifting up prayer 🙂 Hugs across the miles to everyone 🙂
Thanks, Sharla for your prayers. Hugs to you as well.