B&P Antiques: a friendly place to shop
I’ve never been one to love shopping for shoes, or pocketbooks, but I do love buying furniture. Not the expensive stuff, just odd pieces to fill an empty corner or two. When I saw there was a new antique store in town, it didn’t take long for me to check it out.
B&P Antiques is located in Spencer, NC on Salisbury Avenue in the same building that for many years was known as Lomax Hardware. The first time or two I stopped to browse at the antique store, I saw several things very reasonably priced I liked. Knowing I didn’t have a place for them, I left empty-handed. The owners, Bob and Pat Schmidt understood and said maybe I would find something the next time.
Sure enough, the third time I went into the store, jackpot. I found a small table and two chairs that were just right for a spot in front of my living room window. I can now sit and write at my table sipping on a glass of iced-tea, taking occasional glances out the window at the birds.
I have enjoyed my visits to the antique store not only because of the variety of things to choose from, but also because Bob, Pat and their dog, Rascal, always have a friendly greeting. Rascal, a mixed poodle often gets up from his resting place to meet new customers at the door. Not only a friendly dog, but cute, one day while petting him I said I wouldn’t mind taking Rascal home with me. Bob in his quiet manner, said, “That dog saved my life.” Looking up surprised, that’s when I heard the rest of the story.
One night when Bob and Rascal were out walking, Rascal suddenly stopped and wouldn’t take another step. Bob couldn’t figure out what was wrong, so he kept on walking. When Bob took the next step, Rascal jumped, taking the bite of a copperhead across his right eye. Picking up the dog, Bob ran two blocks to his car. Rascal was hospitalized for ten days, with it taking another couple of weeks for him to fully recover.
You can read more of Bob and Pat’s story through the Salisbury Post newspaper link, learning how even with eight brain surgeries, Bob still leads a productive and fulfilling life.
Congratulations, B&P Antiques in Spencer, NC. You are my pick for favorite business of the week.
Do you have a favorite local business? If so, I’d like to hear from you. Leave a comment by registering at the bottom of this post, leave a message on Facebook, or send an email to dicysm@yahoo.com.

OUCH! So glad Rascal is OK and that no one else was bitten! Love the post as usual…love those antique shops:)
I’m glad Rascal is okay too. He’s the cutest dog and so sweet.
Dicy, YOU HAVE EARNED TWO STARS! Awakenings and catnipoflife bestow the Blog of the Year 2012 upon you! The posting is up at catnip @http://catnipoflife.wordpress.com/2012/12/02/blog-of-the-year-2012/ and @http://www.awakenings2012.blogspot.com/
[BTW Just FYI You do not have to post the entire award notice twice. Post it just one time thanking each blog with a link back to each site and list your nominees if you wish to pay it forward. That saves a LOT of time!]
Hugs across the miles!
Thank you, Sharla. I am honored to receive this award.