Sharing Ideas
A few weeks ago, Veronica Williams, the librarian at Cool Springs Elementary School in the Iredell-Statesville School System, invited me to share my children’s books and talk about writing.
Although I live only thirty minutes from Cool Springs Elementary School, I had never been there, so wasn’t sure of the exact location. The drive that morning was a beautiful one winding through rural communities with cow pastures, farmhouses and long stretches of meadows followed by trees.
After my arrival, Ms. Williams helped me unload my car and set up for the day. Looking around the library, I was amazed at the size and beauty of the space. An open area with plenty of room for books, tables and chairs, there was also enough room for children to spread out on the floor to read their chosen selection.
During the presentations, the kindergarten through fifth grade classes were well-behaved and seemed to enjoy our time together. The upper grades had great questions, including how long I had been writing, how long it takes to write a children’s book and where I get my ideas. I shared I often get ideas from students not only because they have great ones, but also because they view life from a different perspective.
A few days later I received an email from Veronica saying, “Dicy, thank you for coming to visit. The students, teachers and staff loved your presentations. They can’t wait to check out your books from the library.”
Veronica also said to let her know when my latest book comes out on I’m happy to say Tired of Obedient has arrived. If you are a dog lover, you’ll especially appreciate the tips for training dogs in the back submitted by five professional trainers. Remember you help authors not only by purchasing their books, but also writing reviews on and leaving comments on their blog or website.
Thanks, Veronica and Cool Springs Elementary School for inviting me to share my books. Cool Springs is a wonderful school with leadership who understands the importance of literacy in a child’s life. Congratulations on being recognized as a North Carolina School of Distinction with all of the No Child Left Behind AYP target goals met during the last six years.
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