Cleveland Elementary School honoring the best of the best.
A Time to Be Proud
Some weeks it’s harder than others to find a favorite person, place or thing to write about. Although I had several choices for this week, I just couldn’t quite narrow down one. Some people would call that writer’s block. When I was almost to the point of not posting a favorite this week, that’s when I saw my inspiration.
Browsing through Facebook late Sunday evening, I noticed a post by Mike Gurley. His wife, Annette, and I have been friends for many years and at one time colleagues when I taught music at Cleveland Elementary School, in Cleveland, NC. This spring, Annette was voted Teacher of the Year. While that in itself is an accomplishment and something to be proud of, that’s not all of the story.
Mike was so proud of Annette, he posted a photo of the school sign on his Facebook page, revealing Annette as Teacher of the Year and Patricia Watson as Teacher Assistant of the Year. Mike is a teacher and basketball coach at West Rowan High School, so he understands the stress of the classroom environment. As a result, he realizes what an accomplishment it is to be chosen for these honors by your peers.
If posting the photo was not enough, Mike also included the following caption … Normally signs advertising food specials draw my attention like “2 for $2” or “all you can eat for $7.50,” but this sign is better than all of them!! And I have one thing to say, “that’s my wife!!”…yea!!!
After seeing the above photo and reading Mike’s comments, I asked permission to use them on my blog. Mike said that was fine and then added, “There are many evenings after a day of teaching and coaching that I come home, sit down to rest/sleep or watch tv. Annette, on the other hand, is still preparing lesson plans for the next day. Her work ethic and caring nature have inspired me to work harder to be the best I can be.”
Almost as an after thought, he said, “Thank goodness for high school planning periods.”
Good point, Mike. Unlike high school and middle school teachers, elementary school teachers don’t get planning periods everyday and often take work home to complete. Like Annette, they do it because they love their students and teaching.
Congratulations, Annette for your achievement as Teacher of the Year and for having a husband who loves and supports you.
In what ways have you recently shown love and support for your husband or wife?
Leave a comment below, message on Facebook or email dicysm@yahoo.com.

Annette Gurley is not only an awesome kindergarten teacher, but an awesome friend who enjoys doing for others.