Favorite #141: Glenn Sherrill: Dog Trainer, Friend

Glenn Sherrill, making his dreams come true one dog at a time, or in this case, seven at a time.

Glenn Sherrill, making his dreams come true one dog at a time, or in this case, seven at a time.

Hopes, Dreams and Visions

Glenn Sherrill and I were colleagues during the years I taught music in the Rowan-Salisbury Schools in Salisbury, NC. After meeting Glenn, it didn’t take long until I discovered he not only had a passion for music, but also training dogs.

As a children’s author, I’m always looking for ideas for my books. Realizing Glenn’s passion for music and training dogs, I envisioned Glenn as a character in one of my stories. Excited about the possibilities, Glenn enjoyed watching and participating in the development of the book, Tired of Being Obedient.

As the main character in the story, Glenn trains two dogs who discover through different experiences that obedience and respect are beneficial for a happy and productive life. The inferred message, of course, is that’s true for people, too. Not only does this book have a message that’s important in today’s culture, but the story will touch your heart.

The illustrator for Tired of Being Obedient, Jean Barlow, drew Glenn’s character from an actual photo. When Glenn saw his likeness in cartoon form, he laughed and said, “I’m skinnier and have more hair.”  Looking at the illustrations, I agreed with him and laughed, too .

Glenn has studied with some of the best trainers in the business, including Cheri Wulff Lucas, Brian Agnew, Rick Denning, Ty Brown, and Martin Deeley. A big thank-you to each of them for their contribution of quotes and photos used with permission in the completion of this book.

Through his business, Train Play Live, Glenn offers group classes, private lessons, doggie boot camp, problem solving and behavior modification. When asking Glenn his philosophy for training dogs, he said, Give your dog respect and boundaries and she will give you calmness, obedience and love. Give your dog constant, unearned affection and freedom and she will give you problems.

Thanks, Glenn for your help and willingness to participate in this project. Thanks also to Glenn’s wife, Heather Sherrill and Eli, Glenn’s son. Although behind the scenes, they still played a vital role in making this book a reality. If interested in learning more about Glenn or his business, Train Play Live, check out his website.

Tired of Being Obedient was published by Warren Publishing and is now available on Amazon.com.

What dream or passion do you hold close to your heart? What steps have you taken to make your dreams come true? Leave a comment below, message on Facebook, or email dicysm@yahoo.com.







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